SEPTEMBER 3-6, 2021
11-Step Retreat at the Mercy Retreat Center
Open to members of all 12-Step or other recovery programs, friends, and family
We are excited to announce that we are able to once again be able to return to Mercy Retreat Center and resume our annual 11th Step Retreats in person. This year, we will once again be able to spend time in contemplation and practice focused mindfulness, meditation, and prayer to support our recovery.
Since our retreat is on Labor Day weekend, this year we will begin on Friday evening, September 3rd, and end late Monday morning. Our retreat is open to all, whether you are in recovery or simply want to enhance the use of prayer and meditation to improve the quality of your life. We often have friends, partners, and family members join us.
John Bruna has been in continuous recovery since 1984. John is also active in 12 step service and has had careers as a substance abuse counselor, a teacher in a low-income minority high school, and as an ordained Buddhist monk in the Tibetan tradition. John has authored two books, The Wisdom of a Meaningful Life and The Essential Guidebook to Mindfulness in Recovery.
“There is a direct linkage among self-examination, meditation, and prayer. Taken separately these practices can bring much relief and benefit. But when they are logically related and interwoven, the result is an unshakable foundation for life.” (Pg 98, 12 &12)
“Emotional balance is one of the first results of meditation, and our experience bears this out.” (Pg 47, NA Basic Text)
“Loving-kindness does not mean making sure you’re feeling good all the time – trying to set up your life so that you’re comfortable every moment. Rather, it means setting up your life so that you have time for meditation and self-reflection, for kindhearted, compassionate self-honesty.” Pema Chödrön
*Must be fully vaccinated to attend.
To learn more or register, visit